Partnership between Light of Hope and Grameen Danone

Light of Hope and Grameen Danone Signed 5-Year Partnership to Enhance Children’s Nutrition and Learning in Bangladesh

Light of Hope Ltd. and Grameen Danone Food Ltd. are delighted to announce the extension of their successful partnership for another five years. This collaboration aims to further the positive impact on children’s nutrition and early learning in Bangladesh.

Child nutrition remains a critical issue in Bangladesh, where more than one-third of children under five years of age suffer from malnutrition. This alarming statistic necessitates immediate and concerted efforts from all sectors of society, particularly from businesses that can drive substantial change.

Last year, Grameen Danone and Light of Hope initiated a groundbreaking agreement to address this challenge by promoting nutrition and healthy eating habits among children and parents. The collaboration brought together Grameen Danone’s expertise in producing nutritious food products and Light of Hope’s education-focused approach, including their popular Goofi characters.

Under this renewed partnership, Light of Hope and Grameen Danone will continue to leverage their strengths to expand access to nutritious food and educational resources. The popular kids’ media brand Goofi will remain a central figure in promoting nutrition and healthy eating habits.

Goofi characters will be featured across various marketing channels of Shokti, including consumer promotion items, modern trade, retail communication, and digital campaigns. Additionally, Goofi Muppets will visit schools to raise awareness and educate children on nutrition and healthy eating habits. Light of Hope will bring the popular ‘Shokti lion character’ to life to join with Goofi Muppets in the schools.

“Our joint efforts have yielded remarkable results, and we are excited to continue this journey,” said Waliullah Bhuiyan, Founder & CEO of Light of Hope Ltd. “This extension signifies our commitment to nurturing the future generation with essential tools for learning and growth.”

Surayya Siddiqua, Director of Sales & Marketing at Grameen Danone, added, “When all partners’ missions are aligned, it gives a great strategic advantage. Shokti as a brand exists to fight malnutrition and provide healthy food to families. Light of Hope is undoubtedly the best content creator for children with popular characters. This partnership will allow us to utilize the power of storytelling through beloved characters to change the behavior of millions of children and parents in Bangladesh.”

The renewed partnership will focus on continuing these impactful initiatives, ensuring a brighter future for thousands of children across Bangladesh.

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