Online Workshop on Digital Product Management

Learn about the Methods of Product Management, Role of PM/PO and How to balance requirements vs resources.

The workshop will be focusing on the following topics

  • What is Product Management and What is the responsibility of a Product Manager and Product Owner
  • Methods of Product Management and How to apply them in your organization (With Real Examples)
  • Product Manager’s role for a New Product or Idea
  • Product Manager’s role for a existing product
  • Balancing between requirements and available resources

Who should join the workshop

  • Those who want to be a product manager/product owner or started their career in this field.
  • Applicable for Start-up founders who just started.
  • Students who want to develop digital products like websites, apps, cloud based software, SaaS products.
  • UI/UX designer who wants to improve and wants to take a bigger role in the company.
About The Mentor

Dr. Nazmul Arefin Momel

  • Co-founder of Light of Hope Ltd and ToguMogu Pvt. Limited.
  • Developed 5+ Commercial Digital Products for own start-up.
  • Product Manager for eLearning Game developed for UNICEF.
  • PhD in Data Science and Machine Learning from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia (2015)
  • 12+ Years of experience of teaching and project supervision

Workshop Details

Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes

Language: Bengali with English Presentation Slides

Available Seats: 30 Per Session

Fee: BDT 500 Per Person

For Registration please complete the form below and send the Registration fee through bKash. Click on the below button and use <PMW -“Your Name”> as reference. Also send a notification SMS to the same Number to confirm your registration.

For any issue please call 01968774018 ( Taseen)


To confirm send the Registration fee through bKash. Click on the below button.